Monday, August 15, 2011

#6: The Spaces in Between

I realized today while driving down the street that most of my life is pretty good--my work, playing with my friends, hanging out with my family. What needs work are the spaces in between those things, the times when it's just me, and I don't know what to do with myself. Watch tv? That's okay for a little bit, but it rots the brain. Read? LOVE to do that, but it doesn't feel productive or healthy when I spend hours and hours at it. Take the dog to the dog park? He loves it, and when the sun is shining it's great--but how often does that happen during the year? Eat? Mm-hmm, that's sure been working great for me! Clean house? Huh-uh. Okay, now what?

Art? Volunteer work? Work out? Meditation? Write? ???


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